Here are a few snapshots of the past week. The boys had fun at the zoo and even made it to Nonnie’s pool a few times. We had a great time with some of our friends on Saturday in particular at the park and pool, but I did not take my camera. Wow, shocker!!! I had my hands full enough, though. Augustus and Raleigh have kicked up their daredevil gear and are all out anywhere they go now. At the park Saturday, both boys took a flying leap to the “bobo” bars – that is Spanglish for monkey bars – and would yell, “swing” as they hung on and swung on the first bar. Augustus also shocked the you-know-what out of me and climbed the entire ladder type contraption at the park too! I know they are super strong and have the strength to do more than most two year olds, but it is like their fear has completely left the building.
Happy Anniversary to us! Nine years, wow, time flies when you are having fun!!!
Baby rhino!
Bug watching! Favorite sport;)
Favorite Things:
Raleigh says “Raleigh do” or “Raleigh do it” about 1,000 times a day. Just great to see him want some more independence and string some words together.
Augustus has been more verbal too. However, he is also in a big rut with his whining; particularly due to Raleigh’s bossy tendencies. Any time Raleigh pesters him, Gus just starts to whine or cry. Unfortunately, with Raleigh’s personality, this just eggs him on! I hope Gus finds his voice soon! Nonetheless, Gus is still the bulldozer. I just laugh any time he just tries to push through or dictate what Matthew and I do by just positioning us into whatever he wants.
Gardening boys. They are super helpful and love to spend time with Daddy in the garden. Oh, and Nonnie too. Mom, not so much, it is just not my thing. Although, when Daddy pointed out a spider from the garden and I screamed over it, they were both in tears. Lots of help from me…
Potty training update. They are interested in their undies, and we are moving towards training soon. Today was a great day because Raleigh said “poo poo potty” and then went straight to the potty and did a big poo poo. Gus will go pee pee on the potty any time I ask him and he has to go, but really has not shown interest in the poo part. Hopefully by next month they are ready. I want to start when it is warm out and we can do some of the training outside. Sounds so redneck, right????
Swimming is coming back to them. When we went to the pool Saturday, it was my first time being on my own with them in the pool and man, they were like fish. Augustus in particular was all out. He barely wanted to keep his head above water. Again, fear has left the building! It is great to see. I cannot wait for the water to be warm enough for us to stay a little longer without the boys’ lips turning blue!
Those are some busy busy boys!! I've often wondered how you take such great pics of them when you are out and about! Love the rockstar cute!